Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Okra Cola iPhone App

Okra Cola now has an iPhone App!  I worked with a company called MotherApp and now my blog is an iPhone App!  This is a huge step for Okra Cola and I believe 2010 will be the year many more things happen.

When you get a chance please download the app and see what you think and if you have time leave an honest review of the app.  Part of it form and part function.  The app is out of my hands which should be one level of it, but the content and design is all mine which should be the other level.

I want to thank all y'all for reading and subscribing and please let me know what I can do to make this blog better for you.  If you are interested in doing a guest post or just want to pitch an idea for a post please email me drew [at] okracola [dot] com.

I look forward to hearing from you and can't wait to post some more!

I'm sorry to say this but MotherApp has decided to discontinue these types of apps. If you still have the app it will work but if you don't have the app you'll probably never have it. Sorry but thanks to you who already have it!

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Janie Mauter said...

I'm so on my way over to the App Store!